When your ancestors call you home, literally
I can’t believe I’m writing this because when I moved to California eight years ago, I never planned on leaving.
But I’ve received the call back to my birth place in rural Illinois, where I’m fifth-generation. And I’m starting a new chapter of re-wilding the few acres we just purchased.
This is a massive shift for me, and quite a few people have asked: “Are you sure you want to do that?” But I have no doubts regarding this decision.
Why? Because I received the call directly from my ancestors.
My great-great-great maternal grandparents, who emigrated to the U.S. from a war-torn Prussia (which later became a unified Germany).
“You received… what?”
When it comes to major life changes and breakthroughs, I almost always receive the direction and guidance from my ancestors. They mostly show up via dreams, meditations, art-making, and becoming radically present.
In February, I’ve received messages to visit my great-uncle up in northern California. And to go right away.
My great uncle lived in a hand-built home on a commune for 15 years, and now lives a sustainable lifestyle with his partner, adjacent to the old commune (which is now a very cool artist retreat center, Salmon Creek Farm).
Seeing someone in my own bloodline living a slow and intentional way made me showed me I don’t have to keep subscribing to the default program of convenience. Coupled with all I’ve learned about rural life from Joshua Tree, I came to realize that living off the land was possible for me, too.
When I sat with this new information, I was surprised that I did not see my future unfolding in California, rather, I saw it in Illinois. Not only does central IL have fertile topsoil, but that soil is in great need of regeneration and healing.
Call, received. Puzzle, complete.
I am grateful to have built such solid relationships with my ancestors over the past few years, and they’ve led me to my must abundant and true expressions (including sobriety, spirit portraiture, and writing this blog).
Great grandparents, Henry and Chic. They’re very helpful,
want to connect more directly with your ancestors? here’s what I recommend:
Find old photos of your ancestors, and ask living relatives if they have any photographs or heirlooms that you can have (or make copies of). This interaction between you, your ancestors, and your living relative can often a be healing agent in and of itself.
Display these photos on a devoted wall in your home, or on your altar. Light a candle if you want to add some more intention to the connection.
Do a guided meditation to relax the body and then sit in silence or with music and ask for your ancestors to join you.
Build a language of external signs with your ancestors; i.e. feathers, songs, certain vehicle models, etc. Be as specific as you want, and you’ll begin to feel their presence in your material world.
Research your ancestry online or through any family documents/albums. Think you’re the only fireball, psychic, innovator, or artist in your bloodline? Think again — someone came before you and they’re guiding you, too.
Side note: as I’ve learned from giving countless mediumship readings, will often advocate for us to “make things right” and “reconnect” with our living ancestors “while we can”. This is something that’s totally up to you, we’re indebted to no one simply because we share blood with them. The biggest benefit of treading the spirutal path is that you realize you always possess the power of choice.
What if I am adopted, and I don’t know any of my ancestors?
Intuitive writing. Expanding your intuition, and your trust in it, is going to be a key part of how you connect with your bloodline. So first just do a check-in and ask yourself: Who are my ancestors? Write what you receive, unfiltered. Start here.
The meditation route is very much available for reconnection; set the intention, practice daily, and they will come.
Invite ancestors into your dreams. literally make the request aloud before you go to sleep, and write down what they tell you.
Visit with a trusted medium, selected by your intuitive knowing (not someone else’s). You ancestors are trying to connect with you, but without the frame of reference for what they’re trying to say, it can be easy to miss, and a medium can connect those wires for you.
Be open to hearing from guides, not just ancestors. I see guides as beings that were never human but channel wisdom through us.
Spirit portraiture and psychic mediumship can provide threads to pull for people who have questions around their ancestry.
Connect to your guides even if you haven’t felt the connection to them before by signing up for my new 6-week intuition course, TAPPED IN.
We start July 8, my friend.