1:1 support + readings

Ready to schedule a session with Sunny? 

1:1 sessions are not always available, and Sunny opens her books based on energy that’s available to her. 

To get in the loop about future availability, make sure you join the newsletter. 

support for creative outsiders

for those who are breaking new ground

Are you trying to bring your next big vision to the world, but can’t find the people who need it? Are you a blocked artist who needs a quick energetic adjustment? I got you from here. But I need your birth chart information first.

Get a Personalized, One-of-a-Kind Spirit Portrait

If you’re interested in spirit portraiture, you may bypass this page and purchase one here. Spirit portrait books open the first day of every month and remain open until the queue is full.

Psychic Tarot

Receiving guidance + insight about your life on Earth

Designed to offer you guidance in your past, present, and future.