What is ‘piggybacking’ in mediumship?
Piggybacking in mediumship is the phenomenon in which multiple people come through in one spirit connection.
How does piggybacking work with spirit portraits?
As a psychic medium and spirit artist, I draw images of people on the other side. With every portrait, I request that I receive accurate, evidential information pertaining to each spirit person so that they will be claimed without a doubt. The more specific the information, the better; i.e. names, dates, professions, inside jokes, pets, and country/city of origin.
As my audience on Instagram grows, sometimes 10+ people have an intuitive response to the same portrait. From there, I will provide more and more information via email, until the person who can claim 100% of the information remains.
Piggybacking is the phenomenon in which multiple people come through in one spirit connection (or portrait), knowing their loved ones will recognize their essence. It is common in group mediumship readings — especially when the audience contains thousands of people.
Even if you can’t claim 100% of the info I provide in my descriptions, it’s not unlikely that your loved one is still coming through in whispers, or a coded language, i.e. they are ‘piggybacking’ on the strong spirit connection. Piggybacking is like receiving secret messages, intended just for you, even if the portrait isn’t ultimately placed with you.
This is the woman who came through, as her granddaughter was able to claim the most information and provide an photo that shared the likeness.
This is a woman who also likely came through to connect, however less information was able to be claimed. There is still quite a likeness between photo and drawing, and the recipient felt the connection.
This week, a young woman reached out to me about a spirit portrait that was claimed last summer. She could claim the man’s name (Paul), his profession (sports coach and principal), the region in which he lived, and she had access to the yearbook photo he had me draw, which proved a likeness. She also said the date the photo was posted on social media is the date that he passed.
Image and message from the young woman who inquired about Paul after he’d been placed with another person months prior.
This portrait had originally been placed with a woman on her death bed, who was having visions of her husband Paul moments before her passing. She could also claim a lot of the unique information, like the date of 1957 as a wedding anniversary, the make and model of his car, and the name “Gladstone” (see below).
The image of Paul placed with his wife on her death bed.
To me, this means that both Pauls showed up in the same image. Both Pauls used spirit portraiture and social media as a vehicle to reach their loved ones, albeit very different outcomes. The good news is that Paul’s portrait was printed in my zine, Do you Recognize Me?, so both parties could receive a copy of it in the mail.
As a medium, I am a translator. I translate the energy around you into words and art. I am not here to tell you whether or not you’re misperceiving information or that the portrait isn’t your beloved, as the possibilities in the Spirit World are truly infinite.