Luck, coincidence, or divine intervention?
I recently started picking up on new energy in my private mediumship readings. The only translation I had for it was something like: “this spirit recently was with you through a near-death experience”, or “this spirit was with your son when he survived the fire in his apartment building.” Over time, I realized my new perception is the phenomenon known as divine intervention, and it’s seemingly more common than I previously realized.
Divine Intervention Meaning
Divine intervention is an event that occurs when a deity (i.e. God or a higher power, like spirit ancestors o) becomes actively involved in changing some situation in human affairs. We perceive it as an identifiable situation that god chooses to get involved with, to intervene in, in order to change, end, or preserve the situation.
Synchronistic Events
People who do not believe in a god usually label these experiences as luck or coincidence. People who hold faith in a higher power may consider these situations synchronistic or miraculous. For the sake of this blog, I fall into the latter category.
This weekend, I was supposed to be in Indianapolis visiting family for a brief 48-hour trip centered around a memorial. I was really excited to attend, and I booked my quick flight about three weeks ago.
When I went to check into my flight, I discovered that my reservation was not scheduled for the next day, but rather two weeks from then. I also saw that my trip was not 48 hours, but 12 days long. This was so different from the reservation I could have sworn I made earlier.
The rational side of me launched into the explanation: “I’m so absent-minded. I must have felt rushed, and I made a classic mistake,” etc. On the other hand, I know that I spent a good 30 minutes shopping for flights, comparing prices, and making a reservation with significant intention.
I immediately remembered a recent astrology reading I received two weeks ago. The reading revolved around my desire to purchase land, move, build a homestead, and really reconfigure my lifestyle on planet Earth. The astrologer asked, “Have you bought tickets for ‘The Great Trip’ yet?” meaning the trip on which I actually started to manifest these life shifts. I told her no. I first had to make a mini-trip to visit family, and then I would reassess and take a longer one in May.
But there seems to be divine intervention in scheduling that trip for me, and now I’m headed off early. I am sticking with the trip logistics, as I suspect it has something to do with the timing of a real estate/land purchase. I guess I’ll know for sure when I return.
I asked a few of my followers to share their stories of divine intervention and received a bunch of good ones.