The best time to ask for a sign from spirit
Historically, Scorpio season is the best time for me to be a medium and translate spirit communication from the other side.
During Scorpio season (Oct. 23-Nov. 21), the veil between the spirit world and the mundane world is pretty thin.
Think about it: Now is the time of year that humans have chosen to celebrate Samhain, Halloween, and Day of the Dead. We remember and venerate the dead alongside the dying leaves falling from our trees branches. It just makes poetic sense.
Even if you’re not a Scorpio — or a witch, or a mystic — this is the time of year you’re likely to feel most sensitive to what exists beyond.
So, how can you begin to optimize your spirit connection this Scorpio season?
Asking Spirit for signs — visual or auditory queues that will manifest in your external reality — is one satisfying way to feel connected to something beyond. This method was largely popularized by psychic medium Laura Lynn Jackson in her 2019 book, Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe:
“Our loved ones on the other side send us signs designed to make us think of them. They do so to remind us that they are still connected to us in very real and powerful ways. The love that bound us here on earth continues to connect us after they’ve crossed… all part of the ongoing and everlasting connection between us and the other side.”
For the past five years, I’ve received black feathers as my telltale sign that Spirit is near. For me, the black feather not just from one person on the other side, but rather from a group of people who have been guiding me throughout my life.
Today, I got back from a long walk with my dog, Fortune, and when we entered the kitchen I found a single black feather patiently waiting for me on the counter.
It sent a chill down my spine.
Even though I mostly feel calibrated to the Spirit World, and I’ve received hundreds of black feathers over the years, there are still moments that just completely blow my mind and up my connection.
When I posted this on my Instagram story, several people responded by asking: “How can I go about creating a language of signs with Spirit too?”
The first thing I recommend is meditation or prayer. I like to do some light exercise before I meditate, so that my body more willingly falls into a relaxed state and my mind is less likely to interfere with the process. Once I’m a few minutes into my meditation, I simply request to speak with my guides and ask them what they want me to know, notice, or find. They show me things, tell me things, and make me feel things that I trust as guidance.
Start on the broad side, then get specific. If you’ve never done anything like this before, I recommend starting with a general sign, i.e. “butterflies”. You will likely start receiving butterflies, and then narrow it down to a specfic kind of butterfly, like monarchs or blue morphos. You can also get as specific as you’d like, i.e. a pink Mercedes, or a broken elevator.
Signs don’t typically find us in the ways we expect them to. For instance, if you request a butterfly, you may not receive it as a literal butterfly landing on your shirt, but as a butterfly image on the side of a truck, or a song about butterflies. Spirit is creative, and often delivers signs with a sense of humor.
This is important: Creating a language of signs with Spirit takes time. It’s not (typically) an instant process, and it requires you to be in a child-like state of wonder. If you start to grow frustrated or angry with your Spirit team for not providing you with a recognizable sign on your desired timeline, you will likely distance yourself even further from the magic.
Detachment, patience, wonder, surrender… these are all going to make the language creation process much smoother. It will all become stronger and more apparent with time’s passage and an open mind.
To book a 1:1 psychic mediumship reading, check out the Sunlight Oracle reading availability schedule here.