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the Spirit Portrait database
You will be able to comb through the hundreds and hundreds of spirit portraits waiting to be claimed with my new app. Want to be among the first to use it?
All updates regarding this project will be made via email. Join the list to stay in the know.
Spirit Portrait Artist & Psychic Medium
Welcome, friends and allies! I am Sunny of Sunlight Oracle, a spirit portrait artist and psychic medium. I draw spirit people on the other side without worldly reference, and deliver the drawings to strangers on the internet via email. I prefer to work with no information prior to rendering the portraits.
I became aware of my mediumship ability when I got sober in February of 2020, and I have worked as an artist for my entire adult life. Spirit portraiture is the convergence of these two skill sets.
I am not a mental health professional. And I’m not here to convince you of anything, or change your belief system.
I am the guide you find as a result of doing your own deep inner work.
Free Spirit Portrait Raffle
Enter your e-mail for a chance to win a spirit portrait in the monthly raffle. If you want to ensure that you receive a portrait, scroll down to purchase a portrait directly. All spirit portraits are rendered without worldly reference or prior knowledge of the spirit person or client.
The Process of Drawing Spirits
How does it work?
I receive spirit communication through extra-sensory perception, namely clairaudience (“clear hearing”). My subconscious mind then translates the psychic information into an image on the page. People often ask me if I “see” the spirit people in our 3D reality, and the answer is no. The spirit people project themselves onto the page, and I’m merely the channel.
How do I get one?
When you sign up for a portrait, you will receive a drawing with a written description sent directly to your e-mail address, all within 15 days. Click down below to learn more and purchase a portrait.
The spirit portrait queue is currently at capacity. Join the mailing list to know when the queue reopens.
*There is no information received from the client before its rendering. Please do not contact me with information before receiving your drawing.
Spirit Portrait Zines
Get your hands on my two spirit portrait zines! A zine (pronounced ZEEN) is a self-published booklet typically used to communicate “radical” or “outsider” ideas (I have been making them for years now).
Do You Recognize Me?
My first zine, from 2022, is called Do You Recognize Me? and is designed to be an interactive zine that asks readers to help spirit people locate their loved ones on Earth. It is full of unclaimed spirit portraits. Join the experiment by purchasing one and then using the portraits and the notes in the margins to identify who each person wishes to connect with.
The Comfort of Spirits
My latest zine, The Comfort of Spirits, shows more side-by-side portraits and shares some of the stories surrounding spirit people who have been claimed. Feel the magic of spirit portraiture without having to commission a portrait yourself.
support for blocked psychic artists
Creative innovators and their visions for the future are often met with great resistance.
I’ve been there (and frankly, I kinda live in that space), which has led me to guide others on the path of true creativity.
Sign up to work 1:1 with me. I will use your unique Human Design chart as a blue print to get you align you with your desired reality.
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