I connect you to the Spirit World via art and extra-sensory perception.

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What is a Spirit Portrait?

Spirit portraits are drawings of your loved ones on the other side. It is a unique form of mediumship and art form rooted in Shamanic tradition.

The portraits are rendered while I am in a trance state. I draw the portrait, compile evidence and messages of the contact, and deliver all the information to your email address.

*There is no information received from the client before its rendering*

Connecting with Spirits

*There is no information received from the client before its rendering*

As a clairaudient psychic medium and spirit portrait artist, I can connect with those on the other side and draw them via psychic transmission. I do not have photographs or references of the people I draw, they all emerge from the soul. 

While I can’t say for sure what happens when we die (no one can), I do believe the soul is eternal and the spirit energy cannot be destroyed. I believe this due to an innumerable amount of evidential spirit portraits and mediumship readings that cannot be understood otherwise.

Common Questions

  • When you sign up for a portrait, you will receive a drawing and an accompanying description sent directly to your e-mail address within 14 days.

    All I need is your first name and e-mail, which I will receive after you sign up to receive one.

    Please do not contact me with images or information about your loved one until after you have received the drawing from me. Any prior information about your desired connection will compromise the validity of the mediumship reading. Even saying something as simple as “I want to hear from my brother” compromises results.

  • People often ask me if I “see” the spirit people in our 3D reality, and the answer is simple — no. I do not see the spirit people as apparitions or ghosts, hanging around my house and studio.

    The way it works is that the spirit people project themselves onto the page through extra-sensory perception and my subconscious mind. I am merely the physical vessel receiving and translating spirit communication in a way we can understand.

    This unconventional talent has led me to draw spirit people on the other side and deliver the portraits to strangers via e-mail. This is an uncommon way to connect with Spirit and one another, but if you feel called to experience this practice, please follow that feeling and book a portrait with me.

  • It is not uncommon for me to connect with two different people at the same time; one through my artistic intelligence and the other through my mental mediumship.

    It's important that you keep an open mind in how the Spirit World wishes to connect and communicate with you; there are no rules and nothing is formulaic. We can solve the mystery together.

  • I have always been an artist and a storyteller but took a pause when I discovered I was a medium (thanks to my sobriety - you can learn more about that discovery here).

    About a year into practicing as a professional medium, I received the call directly, through my clairaudience, in the middle of the night. At that moment, I knew it was time to reintroduce my artistic skillset back into my everyday life.

    I am grateful for this gift as it’s allowed me to connect with some of the most unique individuals, from both this world and the next. I believe everyone is psychic and can develop their own unique gifts with discipline and sustained interest.

How do I get more involved?

Get your hands on my two spirit portrait zines! A zine (pronounced ZEEN) is a self-published booklet typically used to communicate “radical” or “outsider” ideas (I have been making them for years now).

Join the interactive spirit portrait experiment by purchasing my first zine, from 2022, called DO YOU RECOGNIZE ME? zine. It’s full of unclaimed, unrecognized portraits that are waiting to be recognized by their loved ones.

My latest zine, The Comfort of Spirits, shows more side-by-side portraits and shares some of the stories surrounding spirit people who have been claimed.

spirit zine

Ready to enter the complex world of spirit art?

Giving lecture at DePauw University about Spirit portraiture